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Everything starts with awareness - of yourself and of others.

Learn and understand what drives your behaviors and actions: 

your HOW & WHY 

Leverage your self-awareness and use your strengths, values, and passions to discover opportunities and improve your engagement, communication, self-development, relationships, and your clarity of your purpose and direction in life. Therein lies the secret to having a satisfying life, both personally and professionally: understanding your behavioral style and your motivators and leading a life in alignment with them.

How It Works - Your How

We measure your how, or your behavioral style, using  DISC emotional and behavioral theory. Based on a 20-minute survey, your answers are interpreted and measured into four separate factors: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. 


The results  create a language based on observable behavior which we refer to as The Language of Color. 

How It Works - Your Why

Your why is measured using what we call Driving Forces. These identify and define what motivates you, what you deemed as important. They are what energizes you to get out of bed in the morning and provide your purpose and direction in life. 


Discovering and understanding these is the secret to finding satisfaction in life. 

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What is DISC?

Your HOW is measured using something called a DISC assessment. Based on William Moulton Marston's emotional and behavioral theory, a DISC assessment is a tool that measures four separate factors to outline how a person does what they do based on observable behavior, or a "behavioral makeup". 

These factors are:

  • Dominance - how someone handles problems and challenges — are you direct or reflective?

  • Influence - how someone handles people and contacts — are you outgoing or reserved?

  • Steadiness - how someone handles pace and consistency — are you predictable or dynamic?

  • Compliance - how someone handles procedures and compliance — are you precise or pioneering?

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What are Driving Forces?

Your WHY is measured and interpreted as Driving Forces. These define and identify what motivates you and the strength in which you are motivated by them. It uses six motivators, which are measured within a spectrum and categorized into the two extremes.

The motivators and driving forces are:

  • Knowledge — Instinctive vs Intellectual

Are you driven to pursue knowledge in an instinctive, experience-oriented way, or in an intellectual, theory-oriented way?

  • Utility —  Selfless vs Resourceful

Are you driven to complete tasks for the sake of completion, or are you driven by the results, including efficiency and return on investments?

  • Surroundings — Objective vs Harmonious

Are you driven by the functionality of your surroundings, or by the experience it creates?

  • Others — Intentional vs Altruistic

Are you driven to help others for a specific purpose, or just for the sake of helping?

  • Power  — Collaborative vs Commanding

Are you driven by being in a supportive role, or by status, power, and control? 

  • Methodologies  — Receptive vs Structured

Are you driven by new ideas, methods, and opportunities, or are you driven by traditional approaches and defined systems that have been proven to work? 

- Benefits -

The first step in unraveling any challenge is to understand yourself. Once you truly understand yourself, you can better understand others and, ultimately, learn how to interact and work well with them. With these new insights you'll also see benefits in:

  • Reduced Stress

  • Personal Development and Performance

  • Effective Communication, which includes listening

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Efficiency

  • Clarity in Purpose

- Programs -

[ families | couples | individuals ]

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[ workplaces | organizations ]

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[ coaching staff | teams ]

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